Recommended Reading for 25-year-Olds
1) Rich Dad Poor Dad.Summary
In life, money is not the solution, becoming educated is the only solution if you
want to get out of the problem of poverty and money related issues. Money is a tool that will help you in that nothing else. And another thing is if you will get more money without the right education, believe me, it's one of the worst things which can ever happen to you. So if you want to learn financial education, which you don't have any other option to, then let's make this simple with this amazing book.
2) Law of Human Nature. Summary
The part which we need to master to become great is to understand certain laws of life. It is the same as in our school life we had certain laws and rules which if
followed, we get rewarded, and if we deny the consequences would be severe like
punishing or cleaning the class. The same is with life if we follow the rules, we will get rewarded with money, fame, and satisfaction and if not then poverty, bad relationships, etc. So here is a great book to understand the laws of life written by Robert Greene, a person who takes you deeper and shows you the root problems
3) Go-Giver. Summary
If I ask you about your dreams and goals in life, you guys will very say that my
goal is to start a billion-dollar company to buy a big car, etc. But if I ask you a
second question have you ever thought of giving something in return for this so many people will go blank. And that's sorry to say that in real life also these people will go blank because they think life is all about getting things, but in reality, it is about giving things and when you give things with your full heart without any expectations it returns back to you with a double value.
4) One up on Wall Street. Summary
Investing is one of the riskiest fields, where people have lost thousands of dollars or sterling.
From early on in my family all my members are very negative towards investing and most people who follow me on Instagram also hardly like it.So this book is an attempt by the author (Peter Lynch) to generate interest for those people who are negative towards investing or think it's risking. The book is quite simple, but still, some difficult words are there. The author talks about his failure in taking good stock of small companies by thinking that it's not worth buying, but then he regretted a lot, which leads us to think that how in our lives also we reject people by seeing his/her status.
From early on in my family all my members are very negative towards investing and most people who follow me on Instagram also hardly like it.So this book is an attempt by the author (Peter Lynch) to generate interest for those people who are negative towards investing or think it's risking.
List recommended by Abdeali Master
Entrepreneur, Blogger, Learning always....
Study Guides Business and Finance
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Financial Times Guide to Investing, The: The Definitive Companion to Investment and the Financial Markets (The FT Guides) Paperback – 27 Feb. 2020
by Glen Arnold (Author)
Martin White, Chair of UK Shareholder's Association
The fourth edition of this investing classic has been thoroughly updated and will give you everything you need to choose your shares with skill and confidence.
The most damaging half-truth for savers is, “performance matters more than expenses”. Read this book carefully and the financial services industry will have one fewer easy victim, but you will have a sound base for a lifetime of successful investment.'
This is one of those great big books to buy and then tuck away for constant reference. It's a tour through everything from managing a portfolio to establishing a fair intrinsic value for a share. If it moves in the world of investing, it’s probably here.'
David Stevenson: 'Adventurous Investor' in the Financial Times
‘Informative and easy to read, Glen Arnold has produced arguably the most comprehensive book there is today on stock market investing, and one that unquestionably will give an edge to any retail investor. This is a must-read for anyone serious about investing.'
Simon Thompson, Companies Editor, Investors Chronicle
The Financial Times Guide to Investing is the definitive introduction to the art of successful stock market investing by debunking the myth that investing is only for the wealthy.
Bestselling author Glen Arnold covers the basics of what investors do and why companies need them, through to the practicalities of buying and selling shares and how to make the most from your money. Learn how to understand different types of investment vehicles, pick the right companies and understand their accounts, so you can compile and manage a sophisticated portfolio.
New for this edition:
Updated insights into the inner workings of stock markets, new accounting rules and dangers to watch out for when looking for investment gems
Recent Financial Times articles, and the latest statistics to illustrate and expand on case studies and examples
Detailed updates of changes to tax rules and rates.
Please feel free to send me suggestions especially if you have just recently published a book in either hard copy or e-book.